
The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem - a heritage built on God Chivalry Family Friendship Faith Hope Loyalty Charity Community

Welcome to the Priory of the Holy Sepulchre

Louisville, Kentucky

Please contact the Priory at Sepulchre@smotj.org

About Our Priory

Louisville’s Priory of the Holy Sepulchre is a modern, ecumenical Christian Knighthood focused on charity work.  Our charity work focuses on Christian good works locally and in the Holy Land focused in three areas. 

Feeding the hungry

Protecting the weak

Growing your faith in God

The Priory feeds the hungry by providing Hams and Turkeys for Wayside Christian Mission’s Christmas Dinner.  The Priory feeds more than 5,000 people on Christmas and plans to support Easter, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July meals as the number of our Knights and Dames Grow.  The Priory protects the weak by supporting Christians in the Holy Land (Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq) through academic scholarships and donations to numerous Christian organizations operating in those areas.  Donations are made to the Jerusalem Mite FundThe Priory helps our Knights and Dames grow in their faith through Christian Fellowship, projects, charitable giving, speaker presentations, and prayer.  

If you find this mission appealing, then please contact us to join now!

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